Lightweight, fast, beautiful interpretation of this classic puzzle game.
No annoying menu or tedious loading times.
Test your skills against friends with new multiplayer mode!
Clear the minefield without hitting a mine. Opened tiles with numbers printed on them indicate the number of bombs which are touching that particular mine (1-8). Flag tiles you know that are bombs using different strategies such as a labeled 1 tile is only touching one unopened tile, that cell must contain a bomb. Continue to flag bombs and open tiles you are sure are safe to open. If you do have to guess, pray!
If an opened tile is touching the same amount of correctly flagged tiles as the number indicated on it you can use fast click. Simply click the tile again and it will open all other tiles which are touching it. Be cautious though, if it is touching wrongly flagged tiles it will just open a bomb. This is the fastest way to complete the game as long as you are careful.
When the game ends, simply click anywhere on the board to start a new game.
*Click the timer to pause the game
*Click the Mine/Flag Icon to toggle the mode of the game
- tap in mine mode to open tiles and long press to flag
- tap in flag mode to flag tiles and long press to open
*Click the minus magnifying glass to zoom out
*Click the plus magnifying glass to zoom in
- Easy 9 x 9 board : 10 Bombs
- Medium 16 x 16 board : 40 Bombs
- Hard 16 x 30 board : 99 Bombs
*High Scores
- view your fastest times for each difficulty
*Online Leaderboards (NEW)
- view how well your scores stack up against your friends and the world
-Type in your friend's code to join a game then press start or simply give your friend your code to type in then press start to begin. You will have the same exact screen and it does not matter when you start.
No annoying menu or tedious loading times.
Test your skills against friends with new multiplayer mode!
Clear the minefield without hitting a mine. Opened tiles with numbers printed on them indicate the number of bombs which are touching that particular mine (1-8). Flag tiles you know that are bombs using different strategies such as a labeled 1 tile is only touching one unopened tile, that cell must contain a bomb. Continue to flag bombs and open tiles you are sure are safe to open. If you do have to guess, pray!
If an opened tile is touching the same amount of correctly flagged tiles as the number indicated on it you can use fast click. Simply click the tile again and it will open all other tiles which are touching it. Be cautious though, if it is touching wrongly flagged tiles it will just open a bomb. This is the fastest way to complete the game as long as you are careful.
When the game ends, simply click anywhere on the board to start a new game.
*Click the timer to pause the game
*Click the Mine/Flag Icon to toggle the mode of the game
- tap in mine mode to open tiles and long press to flag
- tap in flag mode to flag tiles and long press to open
*Click the minus magnifying glass to zoom out
*Click the plus magnifying glass to zoom in
- Easy 9 x 9 board : 10 Bombs
- Medium 16 x 16 board : 40 Bombs
- Hard 16 x 30 board : 99 Bombs
*High Scores
- view your fastest times for each difficulty
*Online Leaderboards (NEW)
- view how well your scores stack up against your friends and the world
-Type in your friend's code to join a game then press start or simply give your friend your code to type in then press start to begin. You will have the same exact screen and it does not matter when you start.
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