This Powerful tool lets you hack into your brain.
Please use it with caution!!
To use BrainWave Tuner Advance.
You need to use with stereo headphones or earphones.
Select the preset and listen to them for at lease 30 minutes for effective.
"Brain Wave Tuner Advance" create "Binaural beats" in real-time.
It comes with flexible controls that let you tune up your Brain wave without any limitation!!
The "BWave" control in the App stand for "Brain Wave"
This control lets you adjust the target frequency of BrainWave,
So please use it with caution or leave this control as default if you don't know how to use them.
Example of Current Presets
Relax - This tune makes you feel relaxed.
Sleep Well - This tune, helping in promoting sleep. If you have problems with sleep, this set is for you. Listen to this tune before going to sleep, or listen to it while sleeping.
Concentration - This tune boosts your concentration level. It helps you for better reading, working, learning things, etc.
Schumann resonances - This tune lets you synchronize with Earth's Brain Wave. Become to be a part of Mother Earth.
Deep meditation - This tune helps you go into a deep level of meditation. Let you meditate more easily!!
Alert - This tune improves sense of awareness. Preventing you from drowsy/sleepy.
Do not use "Brain Wave Tuner Advance" while driving.
More presets will be added soon!!
Please use it with caution!!
To use BrainWave Tuner Advance.
You need to use with stereo headphones or earphones.
Select the preset and listen to them for at lease 30 minutes for effective.
"Brain Wave Tuner Advance" create "Binaural beats" in real-time.
It comes with flexible controls that let you tune up your Brain wave without any limitation!!
The "BWave" control in the App stand for "Brain Wave"
This control lets you adjust the target frequency of BrainWave,
So please use it with caution or leave this control as default if you don't know how to use them.
Example of Current Presets
Relax - This tune makes you feel relaxed.
Sleep Well - This tune, helping in promoting sleep. If you have problems with sleep, this set is for you. Listen to this tune before going to sleep, or listen to it while sleeping.
Concentration - This tune boosts your concentration level. It helps you for better reading, working, learning things, etc.
Schumann resonances - This tune lets you synchronize with Earth's Brain Wave. Become to be a part of Mother Earth.
Deep meditation - This tune helps you go into a deep level of meditation. Let you meditate more easily!!
Alert - This tune improves sense of awareness. Preventing you from drowsy/sleepy.
Do not use "Brain Wave Tuner Advance" while driving.
More presets will be added soon!!
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