Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim
Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT, who has bestowed His gifts and favors upon us, so that in the midst of busy routines which take up quite a bit of time, the Digitalization Book can finally be completed.
Don't forget to also say salawat and greetings, hopefully they will always be poured out on the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, because of his blessings, we are able to get out of darkness towards a brighter path.
on this occasion we would like to thank our parents, siblings, lecturers, ustadz/ustadzah Pkh, and my comrades in arms, and I would also like to thank those who participated help in making the application of this book.
we are far from perfect, and this is a good step for real study, therefore, limited time, our abilities, so we always hope for constructive criticism and suggestions that the application of this book can be useful for me in particular and for other parties for interest.
Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT, who has bestowed His gifts and favors upon us, so that in the midst of busy routines which take up quite a bit of time, the Digitalization Book can finally be completed.
Don't forget to also say salawat and greetings, hopefully they will always be poured out on the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, because of his blessings, we are able to get out of darkness towards a brighter path.
on this occasion we would like to thank our parents, siblings, lecturers, ustadz/ustadzah Pkh, and my comrades in arms, and I would also like to thank those who participated help in making the application of this book.
we are far from perfect, and this is a good step for real study, therefore, limited time, our abilities, so we always hope for constructive criticism and suggestions that the application of this book can be useful for me in particular and for other parties for interest.
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