This application contains a collection of hadiths related to child rights and protection. To obtain the required hadith, a literature study was conducted on primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources consist of main and main hadith books, such as Shahîh al-Bukhârî, Shahîh Muslim, Sunan al-Tirmidzî, Sunan al-Nasâ`î, Sunan Abî Dâwud, Sunan Ibni Mâjah, Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Muwaththa ` Imam Malik, and Sunan al-Dâramî. Meanwhile, secondary data sources are sharia hadith books, such as Fath al-Bari bi Syarh Shahîh al-Bukhârî by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalânî, Syarh al-Nawawî 'alâ Shahîh Muslim written by Yahya ibn Syarf al-Nawawî, and so on. In addition, books, writings and other library materials related to the rights and protection of children are also used.
The description of the content of this application contains an overview of children, definitions of children, children's limits (in terms of age, physical and psychological), characteristics and types of children's rights, as well as forms of protection for children. The categorization of children's rights contained in the hadith uses the systematics commonly used in human rights, namely religious rights, rights related to self/life, rights related to property, rights related to heredity and honor, rights related to relating to common sense, and the rights of the public/supporters. This application also discusses the concept of child protection contained in the hadith, which concerns the protection of children's rights. This protection includes two aspects, namely the aspect of efforts to realize and strengthen children's rights (min jânib al-wujûd) and the aspect of protecting rights from all forms of violations (min jânib al-`adam).
The fifth chapter is the concluding chapter. This chapter contains the conclusions that can be drawn from the previous discussions. Furthermore, suggestions from the author are also included.
The description of the content of this application contains an overview of children, definitions of children, children's limits (in terms of age, physical and psychological), characteristics and types of children's rights, as well as forms of protection for children. The categorization of children's rights contained in the hadith uses the systematics commonly used in human rights, namely religious rights, rights related to self/life, rights related to property, rights related to heredity and honor, rights related to relating to common sense, and the rights of the public/supporters. This application also discusses the concept of child protection contained in the hadith, which concerns the protection of children's rights. This protection includes two aspects, namely the aspect of efforts to realize and strengthen children's rights (min jânib al-wujûd) and the aspect of protecting rights from all forms of violations (min jânib al-`adam).
The fifth chapter is the concluding chapter. This chapter contains the conclusions that can be drawn from the previous discussions. Furthermore, suggestions from the author are also included.
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