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Collage Maker & PIP Editor

Mystry LabApp
10,000+ downloads

About Collage Maker & PIP Editor

Collage Maker & Pip Editor is the fantasy image maker for you. We focus on making a simple & useful photo editor app for you, this app will help you to create awesome photo collages from several pictures you choose.
A variety of instant multiple grid layouts and templates are available in the app which will help you to create a wonderful version of the image. Using this app you can Crop, resize, blur photos, adjust image ratio and beautify your photo with multiple grid layouts, contrast, your picture, and many things you can do with this app.

✨ Awesome features of this app ✨
⮞ PIP Editor
⮞ Collage Maker & Photo Grid
⮞ Photo Editing
⮞ PIP Camera
⮞ Create PIP Collage with easy and simple UI interactions.
⮞ PIP Photo will give an awesome look to your pictures with amazing photo effects.
⮞ Powerful Photo Editor with contrast, brightness, etc.
⮞ Add funny and love stickers
⮞ Add and Edit Text with super cool fonts, textures, and colors.
⮞ Fashionable Background & Photo Frame
⮞ Amazing layouts for the PIP feature.
⮞ Share with social apps.

✨ Collage Maker & Photo Editor ✨
🡺 The app has many grid layouts to create collage pictures with editing space between images and adjusting the border of each photo. This functionality lets you add stickers and customizable text with texture and many fonts. After saving pictures users can share and delete their creations.

✨ Pip Photo Editor ✨
🡺 The most fantastic feature of the app is pip photo editing.
There are lots more templates given in the application for creating PIP art.
Users can choose 1, 2, 3, or 4 photos and add stickers and text to pip photos.

✨ Photo Editing ✨
🡺 Try app properties like applying filters, adding texts, rotating images, cropping with different ratios, and drawing on the photo.
With all these features users can create their pics look more beautiful.
And after adding all these things they can save, share and delete images.

✨ Drip Effects ✨
🡺 Drip effects are the new trend in the photo editing process. It creates an artistic effect on photos by applying background images and colors.
Collage maker and Pip editor bring new and trending features for our valuable users to give a new look to photos. Before applying the drip effect, they can crop the image in different ratios, and users can remove the background from the photo and use it as a sticker. So as a sticker, users can move the photo as they want and set it in the proper place to look better with drip effects. Drip Art photo editor help you to make your picture stunning and cool. There are lots of effects are available in the app to help our users to style their Selfie.

✨ Wing Effects ✨
🡺 We are introducing another new feature called wings photo editor. Wings photo editor is also a trending feature in the current era. Set the angel wings to your photo and create an effect like a cute fairy. The butterfly wings effect will make a different way of looking at your photo. This effect helps children's photos to make them more attractive and cute. Also, share your amazing pic with wings in the photo on social media.

☞ Collage Maker & PIP Editor is a wonderful photo collage maker, pic merging, and photo editor for social media applications. If you find any issues or suggestions, feel free to let us know at

Collage Maker & PIP Editor Screenshots