The Guardian es un divertido juego de accion y estrategia de defensa, sin Pay to Win que no necesita de internet para jugarlo y con una entretenida curva de dificultad que te costara dominar.
- Escoge tu tipo de arma y preparate para enfrentarte a diferentes y gigantes mostruos que acechan tu tranquilidad. Desde lasers hasta lanzagranadas, que necesitaras para acabar con ellos!
-Muchos tipos de raros y diferentes enemigos, desde vampiros hasta babosas mutantes! Necesitaras buena punteria para acabar con todos ellos!
-Cada escenario que te espera tendra nuevas sorpresas que te dejaran enganchado a la pantalla. Desde un bosque hasta los puentes de un temibles castillo.
-Utiliza los diferentes power-ups para aniquilar los enemigos cuando sean muy numerosos. Lanza rayos, quemalos, aplastalos!! TODO VALE!
The Guardian is a fun action and defense strategy game, without Pay to Win that doesn't need the internet to play it and with an entertaining difficulty curve that you'll have a hard time mastering.
- Choose your type of weapon and prepare to face different and giant monsters that stalk your peace of mind. From lasers to grenade launchers, what will you need to kill them!
-Many types of weird and different enemies, from vampires to mutant slugs! You will need good aim to kill all of them!
-Each scenario that awaits you will have new surprises that will leave you hooked on the screen. From a forest to the bridges of a fearsome castle.
-Use the different power-ups to annihilate the enemies when they are very numerous. Throw lightning bolts, burn them, crush them!! FACE THEM ALL!
- Escoge tu tipo de arma y preparate para enfrentarte a diferentes y gigantes mostruos que acechan tu tranquilidad. Desde lasers hasta lanzagranadas, que necesitaras para acabar con ellos!
-Muchos tipos de raros y diferentes enemigos, desde vampiros hasta babosas mutantes! Necesitaras buena punteria para acabar con todos ellos!
-Cada escenario que te espera tendra nuevas sorpresas que te dejaran enganchado a la pantalla. Desde un bosque hasta los puentes de un temibles castillo.
-Utiliza los diferentes power-ups para aniquilar los enemigos cuando sean muy numerosos. Lanza rayos, quemalos, aplastalos!! TODO VALE!
The Guardian is a fun action and defense strategy game, without Pay to Win that doesn't need the internet to play it and with an entertaining difficulty curve that you'll have a hard time mastering.
- Choose your type of weapon and prepare to face different and giant monsters that stalk your peace of mind. From lasers to grenade launchers, what will you need to kill them!
-Many types of weird and different enemies, from vampires to mutant slugs! You will need good aim to kill all of them!
-Each scenario that awaits you will have new surprises that will leave you hooked on the screen. From a forest to the bridges of a fearsome castle.
-Use the different power-ups to annihilate the enemies when they are very numerous. Throw lightning bolts, burn them, crush them!! FACE THEM ALL!
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