O Man, eat of what is on the earth, the halal and the thoyyib. And do not obey the path of Satan (who likes to transgress or transgress). Surely the devil is your real enemy. (Qur'an 2: 168)
Forbidden to you all carcasses, blood, pork, and animals that have not been slaughtered in the name of God, strangled animals, beaten, fallen, gored, and beaten by wild beasts unless you have slaughtered them, and are forbidden to you slaughtered animals to be offered to idols. (Qur'an 5: 3)
Halal means justified. The opponent is haram, which means that it is prohibited or not justified according to Islamic law. While thoyyib means quality and does not endanger health.
We are required to eat halal and thoyyib food, meaning we must eat food that is in accordance with religious guidance and quality, does not damage health.
In Islamic teachings, all types of food and beverages are basically halal, except for only a few that are forbidden. The illegitimate one becomes lawful if in an emergency. Conversely, even halal can be haram if consumed beyond the limit.
This notion of halal and haram is actually not only concerned with the problem of food and drink, but also concerning deeds. So there are actions that are lawful, there are also acts that are forbidden.
Forbidden to you all carcasses, blood, pork, and animals that have not been slaughtered in the name of God, strangled animals, beaten, fallen, gored, and beaten by wild beasts unless you have slaughtered them, and are forbidden to you slaughtered animals to be offered to idols. (Qur'an 5: 3)
Halal means justified. The opponent is haram, which means that it is prohibited or not justified according to Islamic law. While thoyyib means quality and does not endanger health.
We are required to eat halal and thoyyib food, meaning we must eat food that is in accordance with religious guidance and quality, does not damage health.
In Islamic teachings, all types of food and beverages are basically halal, except for only a few that are forbidden. The illegitimate one becomes lawful if in an emergency. Conversely, even halal can be haram if consumed beyond the limit.
This notion of halal and haram is actually not only concerned with the problem of food and drink, but also concerning deeds. So there are actions that are lawful, there are also acts that are forbidden.
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