What does Scout mean? Understanding Scouts are all members of the Indonesian Scout movement which consists of several levels, ranging from Scout Standby, Raiser, Enforcement, and Pandega.
Scouting is an abbreviation of Praja Muda Karana, which means Young People Who Like to Work. The levels of the Scout movement members are composed of;
Standby (age 7-10 years)
Builder (ages 11-15)
Enforcement (aged 16-20 years)
Pandega (ages 21-25 years)
Whereas the understanding of the Indonesian Scouting movement is a non-formal educational organization that is a vehicle for carrying out scouting education carried out in Indonesia.
Scouting activities are usually carried out in the open where there are activities that are fun, interesting, healthy, directed, in accordance with the basic principles and scouting methods.
Understanding Scouts According to Experts
In order to better understand what Scouts mean, we can refer to the opinions of some of the following experts:
1. Joko Mursitho
According to Joko Mursitho, the understanding of Scouting is an educational process carried out outside the school environment and outside the family environment in the form of activities that are interesting, fun, healthy, organized, directed, and practical which are carried out in the open with basic principles and scouting methods aimed at shape the character of students.
2. Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in 2014, the understanding of scouting is a fun educational process for young people, under the responsibility of adult members, which is carried out outside the school and family environment, with specific goals, basic principles and educational methods.
3. The Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
According to KBBI, the understanding of scouts is an organization for young people who educate their members with various types of skills, discipline, confidence in themselves, mutual help, and so forth.
Also read: Definition of Education
History of Indonesian Scouts
Robert Baden Powell
Robert Baden-Powell
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell or better known as Lord Baden-Powell was the first person to spearhead the Boy Scout movement. He is a former British soldier who since childhood loved outdoor activities.
His habit summarizes his experience in scouting exercises resulting in a book called Scouting for Boys. Robert Baden-Powell then tilted a special scouting organization for women.
In 1918 he founded the Rover Scout organization for enforcement (aged 16-20 years). The activities of this organization and also its guidebooks finally gained attention in various countries, including Indonesia.
How is the History of Indonesian Scouts?
History of Indonesian Scouts
History of Indonesian Scouts
The development of Indonesian Scouts took place in three periods, starting from the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era, and post-independence Indonesia.
The Indonesian Scout Movement was born in 1961, referring to the Presidential Decree No. 112 of 1961 on 5 April 1961, concerning the Organizing Assistant Committee for the Establishment of the Scout Movement.
This scouting organization was then officially introduced to the people of Indonesia on August 14, 1961, shortly after the President of the Republic of Indonesia gave the Scout Movement Flag Award through Presidential Decree Number 448 of 1961.
Since then, August 14 is considered the Birthday of the Scout Movement and is celebrated every year until now.
Scouting is an abbreviation of Praja Muda Karana, which means Young People Who Like to Work. The levels of the Scout movement members are composed of;
Standby (age 7-10 years)
Builder (ages 11-15)
Enforcement (aged 16-20 years)
Pandega (ages 21-25 years)
Whereas the understanding of the Indonesian Scouting movement is a non-formal educational organization that is a vehicle for carrying out scouting education carried out in Indonesia.
Scouting activities are usually carried out in the open where there are activities that are fun, interesting, healthy, directed, in accordance with the basic principles and scouting methods.
Understanding Scouts According to Experts
In order to better understand what Scouts mean, we can refer to the opinions of some of the following experts:
1. Joko Mursitho
According to Joko Mursitho, the understanding of Scouting is an educational process carried out outside the school environment and outside the family environment in the form of activities that are interesting, fun, healthy, organized, directed, and practical which are carried out in the open with basic principles and scouting methods aimed at shape the character of students.
2. Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in 2014, the understanding of scouting is a fun educational process for young people, under the responsibility of adult members, which is carried out outside the school and family environment, with specific goals, basic principles and educational methods.
3. The Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
According to KBBI, the understanding of scouts is an organization for young people who educate their members with various types of skills, discipline, confidence in themselves, mutual help, and so forth.
Also read: Definition of Education
History of Indonesian Scouts
Robert Baden Powell
Robert Baden-Powell
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell or better known as Lord Baden-Powell was the first person to spearhead the Boy Scout movement. He is a former British soldier who since childhood loved outdoor activities.
His habit summarizes his experience in scouting exercises resulting in a book called Scouting for Boys. Robert Baden-Powell then tilted a special scouting organization for women.
In 1918 he founded the Rover Scout organization for enforcement (aged 16-20 years). The activities of this organization and also its guidebooks finally gained attention in various countries, including Indonesia.
How is the History of Indonesian Scouts?
History of Indonesian Scouts
History of Indonesian Scouts
The development of Indonesian Scouts took place in three periods, starting from the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era, and post-independence Indonesia.
The Indonesian Scout Movement was born in 1961, referring to the Presidential Decree No. 112 of 1961 on 5 April 1961, concerning the Organizing Assistant Committee for the Establishment of the Scout Movement.
This scouting organization was then officially introduced to the people of Indonesia on August 14, 1961, shortly after the President of the Republic of Indonesia gave the Scout Movement Flag Award through Presidential Decree Number 448 of 1961.
Since then, August 14 is considered the Birthday of the Scout Movement and is celebrated every year until now.
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