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3 ilustres valencianos

Play&go experience
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About 3 ilustres valencianos

This mobile application is a new accessible technological platform, aimed at all types of public, but with special attention to the elderly and with functional diversity, it incorporates a system for the generation of didactic cultural digital content through geolocation technologies, Reality Virtual and Augmented Reality aimed at the Houses-Museum of Valencia.

House Museum of the painter José Benlliure
House Museum of the writer Vicente Blasco-Ibáñez
House Museum of the artist Concha Piquer

Various technologies such as geolocation, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are integrated, developing specific content and dynamics for each user profile that allow them to offer the best of experiences. Thus, the application proposes different activities so that users get closer (virtually) to the different artists.

The visitor to the House-Museums has two ways of accessing their audiovisual content: either from their own home (remotely) or in the space of the house-museum (from the museum itself).

Remotely you can enjoy a series of contents without having to move from one place, which favors access for people with reduced mobility or encourages other people to want to visit the House-Museums.

In the space itself, but augmented thanks to new technologies, incorporating digital information in a real environment.

Once the profile is selected, the user will be able to access one of the three experiences of the 3 illustrious Valencians, who, from that moment on, will accompany them in the form of a narrator telling stories and curiosities about them.

Remote profile: a map will be accessed with the Points of Interest (POIs) of each city

The house museums, which incorporate around the same POIs with questions about the artist
The route through the city of Valencia, being able to know those spaces related to the artists
The tourist information offices of Valencia, which allows more information about the city.

Each POI has the following information remotely:

Media gallery: photography, old photography, pictogram, 360 photo, video, augmented filter
Address and/or telephone
Audio guide (if applicable)
Description (in the museum houses easy-to-read texts)
Opinion: rating and reviews

Museum profile: access to a 3D map with a recreation of the cities and a character (avatar) that will walk through it.

Minigames such as:

Search for an object in 3D with Augmented Reality
Answer some questions (Quiz)
Augmented filter: about putting original photos or drawings into reality

This project has been developed within the framework of the "Aid for modernization and innovation in cultural industries" granted by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. of which the company Play&go experience was awarded with the project “for the development of the project “IN 3 DIMENSIONS”.

The José Bennliure House-Museum, the Vicente Blasco Ibáñez House-Museum and the Concha Piquer House-Museum, as well as the University Institute for Research in Animation Art and Technology (ATA) of the University of Salamanca have collaborated. The pictographic symbols used in this application are the property of the Government of Aragon and have been created by Sergio Palao for ARASAAC (http://www.arasaac.org), which distributes them under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License.

3 ilustres valencianos Screenshots