Kite Fighter - Brazil Vs India icon

Kite Fighter - Brazil Vs India

Hit Gaming Studio
50,000+ downloads

About Kite Fighter - Brazil Vs India

[3 language subtitles available ❗ (English, Portuguese, Hindi)]

Kite flying is very popular, but sometimes the wings, legs, galas of birds are cut off due to the kite's wire coming in the kite, it is not a bad thing to fly kite, but we have to take care of these things too, that's why in this game I have put all those things that we feel while flying kites in real life like cutting others kites, flying our kites highest, flying kites with your friends, teaming together and cutting the kite of other team together. I will try to make this game better and better

There are some specialties in this game that you will not find in other kite games.
Game Features:
1. FPS Hands(Fly kite in FPS style)
2. Team Fight (Build your team and cut enemy kites)
3. Choose your favorite kite
4. 3 different game modes (Free for All, Team Fight, Levels)
5. In Free for All you can cut any player kite
6. In team fight you have to cut the enemy kite
6. In levels you have to complete the levels of the game

how to play the game
-> It is very easy to play the game, even those who do not know how to fly kites can easily become the king of kite flying.
-> On the left side you will see a joystick, with that joystick you can control the direction of your kite.
-> If you drag upwards on the straight side then the kite will get released
And if you drag down, you will be able to pull the kite towards you
-> There is a simple rule to cut the kite of others in real life. Whichever kite has more speed will cut the enemy's kite

read too much now
go and install the game
Thank you.

पतंग बाज़ी तहेवार बहोत लोकप्रिय हे पर पतंग उड़ाने से कही बार पक्षिओ के पंख , पैर , गाला पतंग के वायर में आ जाने से कट जाता हे पतन उड़ाना कोई बुरी बात नहीं हे पर हमें इन चीजों का भी ख्याल रखना होंगे इस लिए इस गेम में मेने वो सभी चीजे डालने की जो रियल लाइफ हम लोग पतंग उड़ाते समय फील करते हे जैसे की दुसरो की पतंग काटना, अपनी पतंग को सबसे उचा उड़ाना, अपने दोस्तों के साथ पतंग उडाना, टीम बनाकर एक साथ दूसरी टीम की पतंग को काटना और में ये कोशिश करूँगा की इस गेम को में और बहेतर बना सकू

ये गेम में कुछ खासियत हे जो दूसरी पतंग गेम में आपको नहीं मिलेंगी
गेम फीचर्स :
१. एफपीएस हैंड्स(एफपीएस स्टाइल में उड़ाए )
२. टीम फाइट(अपनी टीम बनाके दुश्मनोकी पतंग काटे )
३. अपनी पसंद की पतंग पसंद करे
४. ३ अलग अलग गेम मोड्स(फ्री फॉर आल, टीम फाइट, लेविल्स)
५. फ्री फॉर आल में आप किसीभी प्लेयर पतंग काट सकते हे
६. टीम फाइट में आप दुश्मनोकी पतंग को काटना हे
६. लेवल्स में आपको गेम के लेवल्स कम्पलीट करने हे

[how to play substitle only available in english, really sorry]

अब बहोत रीड कर लिए
जाओ और इनस्टॉल करो गेम को
थैंक यू.

Empinar pipa é muito popular, mas às vezes as asas, pernas, galas dos pássaros são cortados devido ao fio da pipa que vem na pipa, não é uma coisa ruim voar para baixo, mas temos que cuidar dessas coisas também, é por isso que neste jogo eu coloquei todas aquelas coisas que sentimos enquanto empinamos pipas na vida real, como cortar outras pipas, empinar nossas pipas mais alto, empinar pipas com meus amigos, juntar-se e cortar a pipa de outra equipe. Vou tentar para tornar este jogo melhor

Existem algumas especialidades neste jogo que você não encontrará em outros jogos de pipa.
Funcionalidades do jogo:
1. Mãos FPS (golpe no estilo FPS)
2. Team Fight (Construa sua equipe e corte pipas inimigas)
3. Escolha sua pipa favorita
4. 3 modos de jogo diferentes (Free for All, Team Fight, Levels)
5. No Free for All você pode cortar qualquer pipa de jogador
6. Na luta em equipe você tem que cortar a pipa inimiga
6. Nos níveis você tem que completar os níveis do jogo

[how to play substitle only available in english, really sorry]

leia muito agora
vá e instale o jogo

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