Bayram Ali Öztürk Martyrs Effendi application that you can download and listen to their conversation.
Bayram Ali Öztürk Martyrs Who?
03/01/1952 Adapazarı province is Khadija was born Mehmet Ali Karasu district Bayram Ali Ozturk was born two months left orphans. Making his second marriage, his mother was the beginning of the year is full of pain and suffering.
Uncle Bilal Öztürk completed in Adapazari first, middle and high schools under the auspices of the then name of Erzurum Ataturk University Institute of Islamic Theology, which enters. The renowned scholars from the region to return to the training they received from Mehmet Tavaslıoğlu add hometown Adapazari.
Lord uncle Hazrat Bilal Öztürk, recognition begins to give lessons came to Istanbul with İsmailağa Congregation acquainted with the occasion.
Lord Hz Hz Imam Rabbani's Letters to read şehret gives him the task. Letters Letters time that it highly specialized classes that dare to read the many professors at the podium is şehred. This aspect of "Mektubatç Bayram Hodja" he recognized causes.
The provinces are very fond of Bayram Ali Ozturk Mahmut Efendi Hz, Sadruddin Yuksel, Khalil Günenç takes lessons from scholars like Mehmet war. It also adds to the legal education. From psychology to philosophy, Islamic reverential into the immense majesty of knowledge and releasing conversation partner in every field of sociology of knowledge is the most important feature that attracts the attention of the person speaking to him.
It is devoted to the life of the book. Many of the state library will have a larger library. It has left behind a library of 20 thousand volumes. Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Persian, English and speaks French 2 girls 1 boy and 4 grandchildren Bayram Ali Ozturk 03.09.2006 morning to 7:30 in İsmailağa Mosque Sharif at the end of the course has given after the morning prayer Mustafa a meczub the blade that Erdal called the attacks as a result has become a martyr.
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Bayram Ali Öztürk Martyrs Who?
03/01/1952 Adapazarı province is Khadija was born Mehmet Ali Karasu district Bayram Ali Ozturk was born two months left orphans. Making his second marriage, his mother was the beginning of the year is full of pain and suffering.
Uncle Bilal Öztürk completed in Adapazari first, middle and high schools under the auspices of the then name of Erzurum Ataturk University Institute of Islamic Theology, which enters. The renowned scholars from the region to return to the training they received from Mehmet Tavaslıoğlu add hometown Adapazari.
Lord uncle Hazrat Bilal Öztürk, recognition begins to give lessons came to Istanbul with İsmailağa Congregation acquainted with the occasion.
Lord Hz Hz Imam Rabbani's Letters to read şehret gives him the task. Letters Letters time that it highly specialized classes that dare to read the many professors at the podium is şehred. This aspect of "Mektubatç Bayram Hodja" he recognized causes.
The provinces are very fond of Bayram Ali Ozturk Mahmut Efendi Hz, Sadruddin Yuksel, Khalil Günenç takes lessons from scholars like Mehmet war. It also adds to the legal education. From psychology to philosophy, Islamic reverential into the immense majesty of knowledge and releasing conversation partner in every field of sociology of knowledge is the most important feature that attracts the attention of the person speaking to him.
It is devoted to the life of the book. Many of the state library will have a larger library. It has left behind a library of 20 thousand volumes. Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Persian, English and speaks French 2 girls 1 boy and 4 grandchildren Bayram Ali Ozturk 03.09.2006 morning to 7:30 in İsmailağa Mosque Sharif at the end of the course has given after the morning prayer Mustafa a meczub the blade that Erdal called the attacks as a result has become a martyr.
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