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Ponddy Chinese Dictionary

Ponddy Education
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About Ponddy Chinese Dictionary

Smart Chinese Learning with Ponddy! This app allows you to scan sentences from a book and refine them to help you learn words and grammar that align with HSK or The 2021 Chinese Grading Standard《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》.

Save words you like to learn and the AI engine will create adapted exercises to help you master them. Your progress will automatically be captured by the standard-aligned reports.

1. Personal learning dashboard that can visualize and keep track of your learning progress
2. Essential learning packages for every Chinese newbie.
3. Support HSK & New Grading Standard.
4. Auto-assessment aligned to the HSK and ACTFL.
5. 700+ Chinese Grammar Library with Rich Content.
6. Fully Interactive Sample Sentences.
7. Adaptive Learning Exercises.
8. Real-time Reports aligned to HSK & the New Grading Standard.
9. Get Discounted for Live Lessons.

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