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Magnit VMS

Magnit LLC
2.5 out of 5
50,000+ downloads

About Magnit VMS

Download if your company is headquartered in the Americas, Middle East, Africa, or Asia and uses Magnit’s integrated vendor management system (VMS), Magnit VMS. Magnit VMS Mobile for Android enables on-the-go managers to manage their contingent workforce, all without ever touching their desktops or laptops. Magnit VMS Mobile enables managers to quickly review and approve timecards, expenses, statement-of-work (SOW) billing, among various other notifications and requests. Workers can easily enter new timecards, submit expenses (including snapshots of receipts using the built-in camera on their Android phone), and review their histories.

• Log into Magnit VMS Mobile using your Magnit VMS credentials provided to the Magnit Client Services Team
• Securely access all of your data from the Magnit VMS, with no syncing necessary
• Seamlessly transition between Mobile and Web, picking up right where you left off

• 100% native mobile application that leverages the full capabilities of the Android device
• Push notifications that alert managers of new action items requiring their attention
• Detailed timecards that managers can review in detail and then approve or reject with a simple and intuitive swipe interface
• Detailed Financial Requests and Change Requests that managers can review and approve or reject (includes Headcount Requests, Project/SOW, Expenses, etc.)
• Worker feedback from managers captured through an intuitive, star-based rating system with just a few taps
• Side-by-side candidate comparison, candidate resumes review, and interview scheduling without ever leaving the app
• Real-time rate benchmarking powered by Magnit’s Market Rate Module
• Existing workforce management by reviewing assignment details, days left, funds depletion, and billing history

• Quick and easy timecard submission in just a few swipes and taps
• Ability to copy timecards from previous weeks, thus expediting the creation of timecards
• Expense report creation and submission by utilizing the device’s built-in camera to capture receipts
• Ability to view archives of all billing and expense history

• Magnit VMS Mobile can be activated only if the end user works for a company using Magnit’s integrated vendor management system (VMS) and managed services provider (MSP) solution.
• The ability to sign in with fingerprint biometric authentication is at the discretion of the company using Magnit VMS. When enabled, users who do not sign in within a rolling 14 day window using their fingerprint will be prompted to sign in with their password to re-enable biometric authentication as a security precaution.

Magnit VMS Screenshots