Whether you live in New England, the continental United States, or abroad, VA New England’s application is your trusted source for accurate, transparent information about Veterans’ benefits: which include VA disability, home loans, health care, education, pensions, memorial benefits and much more. Some of the key features you’ll appreciate about this application are: • The “News Feed” feature provides you with access to videos and articles that cover new and old policies and procedures for applying for and accessing your benefits. • The “Call a VA Expert 24/7” feature provides a direct line to VA’s national hotline where you can access subject matter experts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • The “Find a VA Facility” feature offers you with GPS guidance to every Veterans Benefits Reginal Office, VA Medical Center, Community Clinic and Vet Center in the U.S. and it’s territories. • The “Find a VA Accredited Attorney, Claims Agent or Veteran Service Officer” feature links you to VA’s tool for finding experts, in your community, that can assist you with filing disability claims and more. • Sections on all Federal and state benefits for Veterans in New England. • Sections on all Federal and state benefits for all Veterans in the United States and abroad. • Direct links to shows and podcasts such as “#theSITREP” and “Borne the Battle.” • The “Government Forms” feature that contains dozens of VA and DoD forms you need to apply for various Veterans’ benefits. • Additional eGuides on various topics and much more.
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