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السيرة النبوية لابن هشام

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The book Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham, an integrated series of all parts (1,2,3,4)

The book "Biography of Ibn Hisham" is one of the most important heritage books and one of the first biography books that conveyed the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. He narrated it on the authority of Muhammad bin Ishaq (d.: 151 AH), after he took permission to narrate it from Ziyad bin Abdullah Al-Bakai (d.: 183 AH).

The book “The Prophet’s Biography” was written by Ibn Hisham, after he took permission for his narration from Ziyad bin Abdullah Al-Baka’i, and Ibn Ishaq made some modifications from deletion and addition, and with politeness, and Ibn Hisham deleted many of the plagiarized and pasted poems until the biography was known as Ibn Hisham, and it was composed A lot of research and the researchers took care of it and they composed many explanations on it.

And Ibn Hisham trimmed the biography of Ibn Ishaq by deleting politeness and reduced many of its poems and kept its narrations, as the biography began with mentioning Ismail bin Ibrahim, and he mentioned the lineage of the Messenger (PBUH), ending with their descendants, their children and their sons.

The Arab kings in Yemen, the Hijaz, were reminded of the story of the owners of the groove, the owners of the elephant, Hashem Abd al-Muttalib’s position on it, the birth of the Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, his upbringing in the care of his grandfather and his mother, the death of his mother and grandfather, his upbringing, his youth, his marriage to Khadija, may God be pleased with her. , The Messenger sent, Khadija and Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with them, converted to Islam, Abu Talib and Khadija died.

He mentioned the Isra’ and Mi’raj journey, the migration to Abyssinia, the beginning of the revelation of the Qur’an, the battles of Badr, Uhud and the Trench, the conquest of Mecca, the arrival of the Arabs to the Messenger of God entering Islam, the conquests of Tabuk, his death and Hunayn, the beginning of the Prophet’s complaint, the Messenger’s illness, and his death.

And Ibn Hisham, he is Abu Muhammad Abd al-Malik Ibn Hisham Ibn Ayoub al-Hamiry, a biographer and visual historian, as he was a scholar of genealogy, language, and Arab news. Ibn Hisham al-Shafi’i lived with him and met him in Egypt.

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The book Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham, a series of all parts (1,2,3,4)

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