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لعبه سباقات السرعه

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About لعبه سباقات السرعه

Speed ​​racing game
Street car racing has begun, test your driving skills!

Free 3D street car racing game!

Drive a top-class sports car, join the top street racing camp!

Real racing, drifting in the asphalt, racing in many races, driving in the streets, full of exciting challenges, and the world's professional racers compete to become a street legend!

Start driving a unique or never before seen car on asphalt tracks, start your racer car, world top class racing cars for you to choose! Upgrade your turbo engine, look your car, colorful paints and cool stickers.

Racing in different modes of street scene Show your rivals amazing speed in real competition Unbelievable turns, driving skill need practice in different mode so start racing in arcade style and perform amazing stunts. Start driving and earn rewards, collect coins and diamonds in the street asphalt, drag your career and PVPevent to a big race.
Street 3D has already started, drive your turbo car with fast speed in the street asphalt, racing is the best test of your skills, try speed drifting on the road, be the king of car racers.

لعبه سباقات السرعه Screenshots