Are you looking for a Barcode or QR scanner?
Do you want to generate new QR Codes?
Then you are in the right place.
This app is very helpful for the people who are looking for QR and Barcode scanner because they can generate and scan QR and Barcodes.
QR and Barcode scanner is an essential app for every Android device. A big use of this app is in the shopping mall as you can scan codes of different products to compare the products prices
This app can scan all kinds of codes for you. This app is easy to use as It provides very user friendly interfaces. What you only have to do is to bring your code in front of your scanner camera, scanner will automatically recognize your QR or Bar codes and save it in your history. By using this Application, You can personally generate QR codes as well.
Main features:
-> Users can scan any kind of QR codes and Barcodes by using this Application
-> Users can personally generate QR codes against text.
-> All the scanned Bar codes and QR codes will be available in the history.
-> All the personally created Qr codes can be seen in All generated QR codes.
-> A guide is provided for user assistance.
Do you want to generate new QR Codes?
Then you are in the right place.
This app is very helpful for the people who are looking for QR and Barcode scanner because they can generate and scan QR and Barcodes.
QR and Barcode scanner is an essential app for every Android device. A big use of this app is in the shopping mall as you can scan codes of different products to compare the products prices
This app can scan all kinds of codes for you. This app is easy to use as It provides very user friendly interfaces. What you only have to do is to bring your code in front of your scanner camera, scanner will automatically recognize your QR or Bar codes and save it in your history. By using this Application, You can personally generate QR codes as well.
Main features:
-> Users can scan any kind of QR codes and Barcodes by using this Application
-> Users can personally generate QR codes against text.
-> All the scanned Bar codes and QR codes will be available in the history.
-> All the personally created Qr codes can be seen in All generated QR codes.
-> A guide is provided for user assistance.
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