Candlesticks - this kind of schedule chart for technical analysis of the market, used mainly to reflect the changes of exchange quotations of shares, forex, cryptocurrency of mining on and so forth.
Chart type "candlestick" is also called the registration interval and line graph in the sense that each element represents a range of price changes for a certain time. It is most commonly used in technical analysis.
To date, Japanese candlesticks are the standard for the majority of trading platforms, and monitoring systems. Candlesticks have earned such popularity due to its simplicity and informativeness of the reporting of market trading. It is an advanced tool to predict market trends.
Annex "Candlesticks" collected all the models that today are a trader.
This is especially convenient pocket guide that you always are.
Just added an interactive test candlestick, with the help of which you can learn.
Handbook of Japanese candlesticks.
Interactive tutorial.
Test of candlesticks.
Download interactive tutorial Candlestick.
Chart type "candlestick" is also called the registration interval and line graph in the sense that each element represents a range of price changes for a certain time. It is most commonly used in technical analysis.
To date, Japanese candlesticks are the standard for the majority of trading platforms, and monitoring systems. Candlesticks have earned such popularity due to its simplicity and informativeness of the reporting of market trading. It is an advanced tool to predict market trends.
Annex "Candlesticks" collected all the models that today are a trader.
This is especially convenient pocket guide that you always are.
Just added an interactive test candlestick, with the help of which you can learn.
Handbook of Japanese candlesticks.
Interactive tutorial.
Test of candlesticks.
Download interactive tutorial Candlestick.
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