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Area Converter - sqft to m2

Red Cubez, Inc.
5,000+ downloads

About Area Converter - sqft to m2

Whether you are looking to convert acres to square feet or acres to miles, or if you are looking for an all-in-one area converter calculator, look no further because you are in the right place. Our Area Converter enables users to do different area measurements in a blink of an eye. The unit converter supports multiple area units whether you want to convert cm to inches, kilometers to miles or you to do any other metric conversion.

If you own a store or a business that revolves around construction or other business needs around area calculation and want to convert sqm to sqft, or other square foot units, you can do it with ease using our square foot calculator (sq ft calculator). The Area Converter supports the following area units for conversion:

- Acres (ac)
- Hectares (ha)
- Square Feet (sq ft)
- Square Inches (sq in)
- Square Miles (sq mi)
- Square Yards (sq yd)
- Square Kilometers (sq km)
- Square Meters (sqm)
- Square Centimeters (sq cm)
- Square Millimeters (sq mm)
- Marlas
- Township
- Square Rod (rod2)
- Kanals

Available unit measurements in the area converter are:

acres to sq yd
Acres to square miles (acres to sq mi)
acres to miles
acres to hectares
acre to square meter (acre to sq meter)
acres to sq cm
1 acre to sq ft
1 acre to kanal

hectare to acre
hectares to sq ft
hectares to sq in
hectares to sq mi
hectares to sq yd
hectares to sq km
hectares to sqm (hectares to m2)
hectares to sq cm
hectares to sq mm
hectares to marla
hectares to kanal

square feet to acre (sqft to acres)
sq ft to sq yd
sq ft to sq km
sqft to m2
sq ft to sq cm
sqft to acres
sqft to marla
sqft to kanal

square inches to sq yd
square inches to sq km
square inches to sqm
square inches to square feet (sq in to sqft / in2 to ft2)
square inches to sq cm
square inches to sqmm
square inches to marla
square inches to kanal

sq mi to sq yd
sq mi to sq km
sq mi to sq mm
sq mi to sq cm
sq mi to sq mm
sq mi to marla
sq mi to kanal

sq yd to sq mi
sq yd to sq km
sq yd to sqm
sq yd to sq cm
sq yd to sq mm
sq yd to marla
sq yd to kanal

sq km to sq mi
sq km to sq yd
sq km to sqm
sq km to sq cm
sq km to sq mm
sq km to marla
sq km to kanal

sqm to sq mi
sqm to sq yd
sqm to sq km
1 sq meter to sq feet (sqm to sqft)
sqm to sq cm
sqm to sq mm
sqm to marla
sqm to kanal

sq cm to sq mi
sq cm to sq yd
sq cm to sqm
sq cm to sq mm
sq cm to marlas

sq mm to sq mi
sq mm to sq yd
sq mm to sq km
sq mm to sqm
sq mm to sq cm
sq mm to marla
sq mm to kanal

marla to acres
marla to hectares
marla to sq ft
marla to sq in
marla to sq mi
marla to sq yd
marla to sq km
marla to sqm
marla to sq mm
marla to sq cm
marla to kanal

kanal to sq mi
kanal to sq yd
kanal to sq km
kanal to sq cm
kanal to sq mm
kanal to marla

Area Converter:

Are you running out of data? Or you are a fan of offline apps,If so, you'll be glad to know that our unit converter is capable of functioning without an internet connection, providing you with the convenience of offline usage. Moreover, our Area Converter offers a screen awake mode that prevents the screen from turning off, allowing you to work uninterrupted.

The unit converter supports multiple languages. These languages include English, Chinese (Simplified), French and Japanese.

Unit measurement is not only limited to the aforementioned area units, there are much more area calculations available to explore within the app which makes it a standout app out of all unit converters available on the play store. So download Area Converter now and start converting area units on the go.

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Area Converter - sqft to m2 Screenshots