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Medicos Radiology:Real Case In

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About Medicos Radiology:Real Case In

Medicos Radiology application is a study aid that provides a series of radiographic images for doctors & medical students to self-test their level of knowledge and ability to recognize structures and pathologies in the human body through radiographic image ( x-Ray , CTSCAN , MRI ). The images in the Basic Radiology application were captured by Radiology Residents and taken Reference From Other online and offline source .
It mainly Focus on Skeletal System and Skeletal Anatomy (Musculo Skeleton System).
It Also Help to learn Sonographs , dental radiology in smart Way.

This application was developed with the learner in mind, especially medical and other health sciences students, as well as radiology laboratory professionals. App is free to download and contains a representative slide from each of the available eight sets. All eight slide sets, covering General Radiology Concepts, Chest Radiology, Abdominal Imaging, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Trauma Radiology, Cardiac Radiology, Neuroradiology, and Pediatric Radiology, This mobile application will also serve as an excellent review tool to prepare for licensing examinations too.

+ Solve over 400 real clinical cases and more .
+ Common and rarer lung, cardiac, bone, mediastinal and soft tissue pathologies are all covered.
+ View over 500 high-quality images.
+ Post your scores to with percentage in Social Media( Facebook and Twitter ).
+ Share interesting x-rays and their explanations with your friends.

It is an essential resource. Start training now a. Ideal for USMLE, FRCR, MRCP and medical finals revision.

1 Technique
2 Anatomy
3 In-built errors of interpretation
4 The fundamentals of radiology interpretation
5 Pattern recognition
6 Abnormalities of the thoracic cage and chest wall
7 Lung tumours
8 Pneumonias
9 Chronic airways disease
10 Diffuse lung disease
11 Pleural disease
12 Left heart failure
13 The heart and great vessels
14 Pulmonary embolic disease
15 The mediastinum

Medicos Radiology:Real Case In Screenshots