Programmers is a simple yet elegant watch face for us programming geeks who uses an Wear OS device. Rather than showing the numbers 1 to 12, the watch face displays the names of more or less well-known programming languages (C++, Ruby, Dart, C#, Perl, Curl, PHP, Lisp, Ada, Go, Java and JSP).
- Watch face for Wear OS devices
- Support for both round and square screens
- Up to 5 user choosable guages
- Burn-in protection for OLED screens (in ambient mode)
- Support for different color themes
- Support for custom color themes
How to use:
1. Install directy from watch (search for Programmers watch face). If that does not work, install it from your phone. When you install the app, the watch face will be automatically transferred to your watch (sometime there's a delay getting the watch face on the watch from your phone, i recommend a bit of patience if its not instantaneous for you).
2. From watch: Long press your watch face and select the one named "Programmers".
From mobile: Run the “Wear OS” app and tap “More” button in the watchface section. Select the watch face named "Programmers".
3. Change settings.
From watch: Long press your watch face and tap on the settings icon below the watch face preview in the watch face picker.
- Watch face for Wear OS devices
- Support for both round and square screens
- Up to 5 user choosable guages
- Burn-in protection for OLED screens (in ambient mode)
- Support for different color themes
- Support for custom color themes
How to use:
1. Install directy from watch (search for Programmers watch face). If that does not work, install it from your phone. When you install the app, the watch face will be automatically transferred to your watch (sometime there's a delay getting the watch face on the watch from your phone, i recommend a bit of patience if its not instantaneous for you).
2. From watch: Long press your watch face and select the one named "Programmers".
From mobile: Run the “Wear OS” app and tap “More” button in the watchface section. Select the watch face named "Programmers".
3. Change settings.
From watch: Long press your watch face and tap on the settings icon below the watch face preview in the watch face picker.
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