With Whose Number? You can easily and quickly find out to whom an unknown phone number in your call log belongs (only works with Swedish phone number).
Click a phone number in your call history. Then select the Edit number before call (Edit number before call) from the menu and complete the action with the (complete action using) Whose number? Description Samsung Galaxy Nexus comes with Android version 4.4.2. Other phones and other versions of Android may have a different approach to reach the Edit number before call.
If your search results in more than one hit, you can swipe your finger left or right to scroll to the next hit. If you want to save the number as a contact, just click on the picture to the left. Telephone number, name and address are automatically filled in right field.
ATTENTION! The app searches among some common search facilities and there are not that sought after number in these places app will not find any numbers.
Click a phone number in your call history. Then select the Edit number before call (Edit number before call) from the menu and complete the action with the (complete action using) Whose number? Description Samsung Galaxy Nexus comes with Android version 4.4.2. Other phones and other versions of Android may have a different approach to reach the Edit number before call.
If your search results in more than one hit, you can swipe your finger left or right to scroll to the next hit. If you want to save the number as a contact, just click on the picture to the left. Telephone number, name and address are automatically filled in right field.
ATTENTION! The app searches among some common search facilities and there are not that sought after number in these places app will not find any numbers.
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