Sockets are communication points on the same or different computers to exchange data. Sockets are supported by Unix, Windows, Mac, and many other operating systems. The tutorial provides a strong foundation by covering basic topics such as network addresses, host names, architecture, ports and services before moving into network address functions and explaining how to write client/server codes using sockets.
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
Unix Socket - Home
Unix Socket - What is a Socket?
Unix Socket - Network Addresses
Unix Socket - Network Host Names
Unix Socket - Client Server Model
Unix Socket - Structures
Unix Socket - Ports and Services
Unix Socket - Network Byte Orders
Unix Socket - IP Address Functions
Unix Socket - Core Functions
Unix Socket - Helper Functions
Unix Socket - Server Example
Unix Socket - Client Example
Unix Socket - Summary
【Important Notice】
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Icon made by "alecive" from http://www.iconarchive.com [Free Commercial]
Contact informations:
Google+ https://plus.google.com/+AlessandroRoncone
e-mail alecive87@gmail.com
deviantART http://alecive.deviantart.com/
Sockets are communication points on the same or different computers to exchange data. Sockets are supported by Unix, Windows, Mac, and many other operating systems. The tutorial provides a strong foundation by covering basic topics such as network addresses, host names, architecture, ports and services before moving into network address functions and explaining how to write client/server codes using sockets.
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
Unix Socket - Home
Unix Socket - What is a Socket?
Unix Socket - Network Addresses
Unix Socket - Network Host Names
Unix Socket - Client Server Model
Unix Socket - Structures
Unix Socket - Ports and Services
Unix Socket - Network Byte Orders
Unix Socket - IP Address Functions
Unix Socket - Core Functions
Unix Socket - Helper Functions
Unix Socket - Server Example
Unix Socket - Client Example
Unix Socket - Summary
【Important Notice】
This Apk Icon or Logo Goes To Totally Credit-
Icon made by "alecive" from http://www.iconarchive.com [Free Commercial]
Contact informations:
Google+ https://plus.google.com/+AlessandroRoncone
e-mail alecive87@gmail.com
deviantART http://alecive.deviantart.com/
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