Virtualization 2.0 is a technology that helps users to install different Operating Systems on a hardware. They are completely separated and independent from each other. Virtualization hides the physical characteristics of computing resources from their users, their applications, or end users. This is an introductory tutorial, which covers the basics of Virtualization 2.0 and explains how to deal with its various components and sub-components
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
Virtual - Home
Virtual - Overview
Virtual - Pros and Cons
Virtual - Common Uses
Virtual - Hardware
Virtual - Microsoft Hyperv
Virtual - VMware Workstation Player
Virtual - VirtualBox
Virtual - Openstack
Virtual - Preparing the Infrastructure
Virtual - Troubleshooting
Virtual - Backing Up Restoring & Migrating
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Icon made by "alecive" from http://www.iconarchive.com [Free Commercial]
Contact informations:
Google+ https://plus.google.com/+AlessandroRoncone
e-mail alecive87@gmail.com
deviantART http://alecive.deviantart.com/
Virtualization 2.0 is a technology that helps users to install different Operating Systems on a hardware. They are completely separated and independent from each other. Virtualization hides the physical characteristics of computing resources from their users, their applications, or end users. This is an introductory tutorial, which covers the basics of Virtualization 2.0 and explains how to deal with its various components and sub-components
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
Virtual - Home
Virtual - Overview
Virtual - Pros and Cons
Virtual - Common Uses
Virtual - Hardware
Virtual - Microsoft Hyperv
Virtual - VMware Workstation Player
Virtual - VirtualBox
Virtual - Openstack
Virtual - Preparing the Infrastructure
Virtual - Troubleshooting
Virtual - Backing Up Restoring & Migrating
【Important Notice】
This Apk Icon or Logo Goes To Totally Credit-
Icon made by "alecive" from http://www.iconarchive.com [Free Commercial]
Contact informations:
Google+ https://plus.google.com/+AlessandroRoncone
e-mail alecive87@gmail.com
deviantART http://alecive.deviantart.com/
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