If you want to learn how to write well, follow this guide that will help you in your learning process and improve your spelling. It is a spelling course in Spanish where you will learn:
* Spelling rules
* Use of letters B, V, C, Z, S, X, R, RR
* Spelling accents
* Accentuation: sharp words, flat words, esdrújulas, sobresdrújulas, hiatus, diphthongs and triphthongs
* Uppercase: proper nouns, cities and streets, geographic names
* Scoring rules
* Syntax: the subject, the predicate, types of complements
* Sentence classes
* Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms.
The app needs internet for its correct operation.
Improve your spelling of the Spanish language
* Spelling rules
* Use of letters B, V, C, Z, S, X, R, RR
* Spelling accents
* Accentuation: sharp words, flat words, esdrújulas, sobresdrújulas, hiatus, diphthongs and triphthongs
* Uppercase: proper nouns, cities and streets, geographic names
* Scoring rules
* Syntax: the subject, the predicate, types of complements
* Sentence classes
* Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms.
The app needs internet for its correct operation.
Improve your spelling of the Spanish language
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