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Daily Medicine Reminder

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About Daily Medicine Reminder

Medicine Reminder is a great, easy to use and an extremely useful application for your android phone. It will remind you about your daily medicines just in case you forget taking them.
The application takes the name, quantity, type and schedule of a medicine as input. Just fire up the application, enter all the required information on the add screen and be done. When the specified date and time comes, you will receive a notification for taking your medicine. In addition, you can also modify the settings for the ringtone alert, the ringtone that you want to play as an alarm, the voice alert and text for it and the snooze time if you want to delay the alert a little. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish languages, you’ll find this application a real joy for yourself.
- Interactive interface and menus
- Addition of medicine and its schedule based on date and time
- Daily and all medicines record
- Notification alert when time to take a medicine comes
- Settings for ringtone alert, voice alert and snooze time
- Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish languages
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Thank you for choosing our application. We hope you have great experience with it.

Daily Medicine Reminder Screenshots