E2ST - English To Sanskrit Thesaurus is a collection of words, for Easy reference to learn Sanskrit words, via English.
E2ST will help those who learn Sanskrit via English.
1. Search and filter options provided for ease of use.
2. Scan copy of printed version included in update 10.
3. web reference added too.
4. E2ST contains and Free for non commercial uses.
Credit(s): This App data follows the data digitized from STUDENT’S ENGLISH - SANSKRIT DICTIONARY BY VAMAN SHIVRAM APTE, M. A. Credit and ownership goes to relevant individual(s) / Organization(s).
Developer(s) reform the digitized data to comfortable level to suit android app.
So expect error(s) in this content.
Please read preface and abbreviations before use.
E2ST will help those who learn Sanskrit via English.
1. Search and filter options provided for ease of use.
2. Scan copy of printed version included in update 10.
3. web reference added too.
4. E2ST contains and Free for non commercial uses.
Credit(s): This App data follows the data digitized from STUDENT’S ENGLISH - SANSKRIT DICTIONARY BY VAMAN SHIVRAM APTE, M. A. Credit and ownership goes to relevant individual(s) / Organization(s).
Developer(s) reform the digitized data to comfortable level to suit android app.
So expect error(s) in this content.
Please read preface and abbreviations before use.
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