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Sanskrit Dictionary SLight

murugaian sathiyamoorthy
50+ downloads

About Sanskrit Dictionary SLight

Sabdakosha Sanskrit Triple Dictionary - SLight 1.0

Initial Release 1.0
# Containing 4.4 Lakh words, but Lighter & Faster. Index less search helps faster on earlier devices
# Browse the words, By BOOK or By Alphabet
# Advanced search feature for all Sanskrit & English words
# This SLight* app includes 3 dictionaries, Monier williams, Apte, and Sabda saagara.
# Added Search feature for easy references.
# Please refer the "help" or "welcome" on the left menu for details.
# SLight has inbuilt content, But internet may be required for online search.

SLight App features:
1. Random words 12
# SLight begin with 12 random words as list, user can repeat random words if like to learn this way
2. Browse by books MW-AP-SS
# SLight split MW, AP, SS into 3 tabs. Each book has its own style of presentation. So user can try and use 1 or more as preferred.
3. Alphabetical browse
# SLight app further divide the words into alphabetical order, for each book. User can jump to a word by first letter. This is more easy with 3 books. Please note, word list are not fully loaded, as user scroll, it loads next set (lazy loading) to reduce overload of device/memory.
4. Advanced learning with search
# Last and Most powerful feature to find word more precisely and quickly. For better use and learning, user to learn how to search and how the search works !
6 search options with switches provided.
3 for Sanskrit/Devanagari input & 3 for English / Transliterated
Please refer the help on the app fro full details

This app reformat the dictionary content in a compact and efficient manner to ease learners and beginners of Sanskrit.
User appreciated to report, comment about any error for rectification.

Sanskrit Dictionary SLight Screenshots