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مغامرات حيدوري المشاكس

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About مغامرات حيدوري المشاكس

The master of the legend offers you the interesting adventure game, Transvenia Dungeon Adventures, the latest version. It works without the net
The Adventures of Transvinia T The Adventures of Transvinia Dungeon is an easy, simple and very fun game that works offline 2023 without the Internet
You can turn off the sound in the game
the way of playing:
Move the player from the right or left arrow and jump from the jump button on the left of the screen
There are 3 free attempts when you advance in the level that you can use and return after every 1 hour 3 new attempts, serving you to save the level when you advance in the stage.
The game has an easy, fun and simple gameplay system
The game works without the need for the Internet
Transvenia Dungeon Adventures Collect in-game gold coins

مغامرات حيدوري المشاكس Screenshots