Qr code Scanner is Fastest powerful qr code scanner and quick barcode and qr code generator in whole android app market.
Now its available with simple and clear design.
Improved version of Qr code barcode scanner is scanning all barcode and QR codes in milliseconds.
Also you can generate all types of QR and barcode with minor interaction.
Features of Qr Scanner:
- Scan all types of barcode and QR codes.
- Create all types of barcode and Qr code.
- Flashlight supported.
- Smart auto focus to scan barcode in seconds.
- Create contact barcode on single tap & share with your friends.
Privacy Policy
We are not store or collect data from user or not selling data to third party. We care for you privacy.
If you have a still concern about Policy please feel free to email us on : inquiry.eswamera@gmail.com
Now its available with simple and clear design.
Improved version of Qr code barcode scanner is scanning all barcode and QR codes in milliseconds.
Also you can generate all types of QR and barcode with minor interaction.
Features of Qr Scanner:
- Scan all types of barcode and QR codes.
- Create all types of barcode and Qr code.
- Flashlight supported.
- Smart auto focus to scan barcode in seconds.
- Create contact barcode on single tap & share with your friends.
Privacy Policy
We are not store or collect data from user or not selling data to third party. We care for you privacy.
If you have a still concern about Policy please feel free to email us on : inquiry.eswamera@gmail.com
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