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Scholarship Exam India

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About Scholarship Exam India

Scholarship Exam App contains previous year question papers, sample papers, syllabus, results, books and notes.

Available Exams:
- Olympiad
- IEO (International English Olympiad)
- IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad)
- NSO (National Science Olympiad)
- RMO (Regional Mathematical Olympiad)
- TALLENTEX (Talent Encouragement Exam)
- ISMO (Inter-School Math Olympiad)

Features :
1. Anthe exam sample paper
2. Anthe syllabus
3. Ntse syllabus
4. Olympiad books
5. Nso mock test
6. Aakash prmo practice test
7. Free scholarship exam 2020

App is very useful in case of “how to prepare for anthe”, “olympiad exam preparation free test papers”, “online scholarship exams for class 10 2020”.

Books for Scholarship exam for classes :
* NCERT books
* Scholarship exams available
* Olympiad books for all classes

# Offline feature is available to download books, notes, previous year papers.

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We are not affiliated, linked with or in partnership with any government, government services or officials and only provide publicly available information in our apps for personal use of India residents.
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