The Swiss Coordination Centre for Educational Research SKBF | CSRE is a joint institution of the Swiss Confederation and the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). The SKBF | CSRE coordinated, informed, researched and documented.
Read the About the responsibilities of the SKBF.
Find Projects in a list of projects the online database of SKBF with more than 2,000 research projects and look for words, projects or researchers.
With a push message, we draw your attention when a set of new projects will be integrated into the database.
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Read the About the responsibilities of the SKBF.
Find Projects in a list of projects the online database of SKBF with more than 2,000 research projects and look for words, projects or researchers.
With a push message, we draw your attention when a set of new projects will be integrated into the database.
Keep yourself in the News up to date.
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