We are in a world made up of four continents, and each continent has more than thirty countries, and each country is divided into states, provinces, regions and houses, and in every continent there are seas, rivers and oceans, but our world is not yours. And women, their nature is like the dark night, stealing the dreamer and deceiving the smiling, and the kings are like the waves of the sea all the time in a state, our world has no safety in it, and there is no lasting pleasure for it, our happiness in it is cut off, and our permanent joy is forbidden, and the extended pleasure is taken away, our day is a piece of night, and our night contains torment and groans. There is no endurance for strength with us, for whoever is strong in a time is weak in other times, and whoever is deceived by his money and what he has is humiliation and for others is condemned. Greed for our lives, and died who thought our bliss.
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