This is the second package of application 25 success story, it comes after the first package, which had a good echo among the readers. The objective of these packages is to instill a sense of hope and optimism in the hearts of readers and encourage them to break the job restrictions and exit to the spaciousness of entrepreneurship. Every story you will find the idea and applied, the problem and resolve, and find others suffered as suffering, but they did not live forever to the earth, but they raised their heads high above have heads laziness, cowardice and defeatism, and received the blow-by-blow, trauma and ordeal, and endured the patience it and came back the struggle to achieve the goals they live For her.
The road to success is not strewn with roses, and Mount success bumpy ride is not easy climbing but we all live on top. Happiness is not to sit on top, but how to attain. Not succeed to get the fish, success is to learn how to fish.
I see on a mountain summit success, I do not care how long, Vsontzerk or await me.
Achievers who book tells their story:
1. Katrina journey you from sharing photos online to Flickr
2. Debbie Fields, confectioner months
3. c. K. Rowling, the world's richest author personal and inventor Harry Potter
4. Max Ev_n, the founders of PayPal
5. Ingvar Kambrd, the founder of IKEA
6. Ray Kroc, McDonald's Emperor
7. Fred Deluca, founder of Subway Restaurants
8. George Eastman, founder of Kodak
9. Tripp Hawkins, founder of the e-mobile entertainment
10. Akio Morita, Sony maker
11. Bob Young, freedom of publication for all
12. Pierre Omidyar, eBay auctioneer Persian successful
13. Jack is the owner of the cave of Ali Baba - The electronic version
14. The story of Jerome Rota, an innovative encryption DivX
15. Honda, do not find obstacles, repel resolute
16. Paul Orfalea founder of Kinko's, successes despite formidable difficulties
17. Rod fruit Tariq Farid - Edible Aranjmente
18. Warren Brown, a lawyer who tomorrow HB
19. The story Bilda Joelezona founder Balsamk Company
20. Asher Moses, find out what is owned, and then benefited from it
21. Paul Hartonyan, a man from New Jersey sells Brooklyn Bridge
22. McCormick father and son, ideas bear fruit until late - the invention of the harvest machine
23. The two friends, when they expel / behavior from your job twice
24. Derek Beevor, success is not determined by the certification
25. Bob Williamson, from the sale of paints, applications
The road to success is not strewn with roses, and Mount success bumpy ride is not easy climbing but we all live on top. Happiness is not to sit on top, but how to attain. Not succeed to get the fish, success is to learn how to fish.
I see on a mountain summit success, I do not care how long, Vsontzerk or await me.
Achievers who book tells their story:
1. Katrina journey you from sharing photos online to Flickr
2. Debbie Fields, confectioner months
3. c. K. Rowling, the world's richest author personal and inventor Harry Potter
4. Max Ev_n, the founders of PayPal
5. Ingvar Kambrd, the founder of IKEA
6. Ray Kroc, McDonald's Emperor
7. Fred Deluca, founder of Subway Restaurants
8. George Eastman, founder of Kodak
9. Tripp Hawkins, founder of the e-mobile entertainment
10. Akio Morita, Sony maker
11. Bob Young, freedom of publication for all
12. Pierre Omidyar, eBay auctioneer Persian successful
13. Jack is the owner of the cave of Ali Baba - The electronic version
14. The story of Jerome Rota, an innovative encryption DivX
15. Honda, do not find obstacles, repel resolute
16. Paul Orfalea founder of Kinko's, successes despite formidable difficulties
17. Rod fruit Tariq Farid - Edible Aranjmente
18. Warren Brown, a lawyer who tomorrow HB
19. The story Bilda Joelezona founder Balsamk Company
20. Asher Moses, find out what is owned, and then benefited from it
21. Paul Hartonyan, a man from New Jersey sells Brooklyn Bridge
22. McCormick father and son, ideas bear fruit until late - the invention of the harvest machine
23. The two friends, when they expel / behavior from your job twice
24. Derek Beevor, success is not determined by the certification
25. Bob Williamson, from the sale of paints, applications
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