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الداء والدواء ابن قيم الجوزية

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About الداء والدواء ابن قيم الجوزية

The Book of Disease and Medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Abu Abdullah Shams al-Din Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Ayoub bin Saad bin Hariz al-Zar’i al-Dimashqi al-Hanbali (691 AH)
751 AH / 1292 AD - 1350 AD) known as “Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah” or “Ibn al-Qayyim.” He is a jurist, hadeeth, interpreter, and diligent Muslim scholar, and one of the most prominent imams of the Hanbali school of thought in the first half of the eighth century AH. Ibn al-Qayyim grew up in the Hanbali school of thought. His father, “Abu Bakr bin Ayoub Al-Zar’i,” was a curator of the “Jawziyya Hanbali school.” (1) And when he grew up and contacted his sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah, a transformation took place in his scholarly life, so that he did not adhere in his opinions and fatwas to what came in the Hanbali school except with the conviction and approval of the evidence from the book. And the Sunnah, then on the opinions of the Companions and the effects of the predecessors, and for this reason the scholars consider him one of the mujtahids.

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah wrote many works, and his works became very famous. Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani says: “And every
His ratings are desirable among the sects.” His classification was in different types of Islamic sciences. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali says: “And he composed many books in the types of science.” It was counted by Bakr bin Abdullah Abu Zaid 98 authors. Bakr Abu Zayd mentions that some of his books were lost and burned by his opponents

📖 Some of the contents of the book Muwatta Imam Malik 📖
📚 {For every disease there is a cure} | Disease and medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) The Qur ' an is healing ( | Disease and medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) Supplication pays the bad ( | Disease and medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) The supplication of the heedless ( | Disease and medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
📚 {Prayer is one of the most beneficial medicines} | Disease and medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) Urgency in supplication | Disease and medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
📚 {From the pests of supplication} | The book of disease and medicine by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawzia
📚 {Mathora supplications} | The Book of Disease and Medicine by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) Circumstances of supplication | The Book of Disease and Medicine by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) Prayer and Destiny | The Book of Disease and Medicine by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) Omar seeking help with supplication | The Book of Disease and Medicine by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
📚 ) Fallacy of the soul about causes ( | The Book of Disease and Medicine by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
📖 Excerpts from the book Disease and Medicine 📖
Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after:

God Almighty has never sent down from heaven a more general, beneficial, or greater, or more effective cure for removing disease than the Qur’an.

The Book of Disease and Medicine | p. 6
I stayed in Makkah for a period of time, suffering from ailments, and I did not find a doctor or medicine, so I used to treat myself with Al-Fatihah, and I saw that it had a wonderful effect.

The Book of Disease and Medicine | p. 8

If I were between Heaven and Hell, not knowing which one I would be commanded to, I would choose to be ashes before knowing which one I would end up with.

Othman Bin-Affan.

The Book of Disease and Medicine | p. 94

What I fear most for myself on the Day of Resurrection is that it will be said to me: O Abu Darda’, you knew, so how did you act with what you knew?

Abu Darda.

The Book of Disease and Medicine | p. 95
Abdullah bin Abbas was under his eyes like a decrepit trap of tears.

Disease and medicine | p. 95

Some of the predecessors said:

Sins lead to disbelief, just as the kiss leads to sexual intercourse, singing leads to fornication, looking comes to love, and sickness leads to death.

Disease and medicine | p. 125

God's provision is not brought in like leaving sin.

Disease and medicine | p. 133

From the effects of ugly sins:

A loneliness that the disobedient finds in his heart between himself and God, which he does not balance or compare with pleasure in the first place.

If he did not leave sins except out of fear of the occurrence of this loneliness, then the sane person would have been free to leave them.

Disease and medicine | p. 133

From the effects of ugly sins:

The loneliness that occurs to him between him and people, and this loneliness becomes stronger until it seizes control, so it falls between him and his wife and children and his relatives, and between him and himself, so you see him lonely from himself!

Disease and medicine | p. 134

Just as whoever fears God, He will make his affairs easy for him, so whoever hinders piety, He will make his affairs difficult for him.

Disease and medicine | p. 134

If the doer of obedience were to stop obedience, his soul would become narrow for him, and the earth would narrow for him with what it welcomed, and he would feel in himself that he was like a whale if he left the water, until he returned to it, so that his soul would calm down, and his eyes would be comforted.

Disease and medicine | p. 139

Abdullah bin Mubarak said:

I saw sins kill hearts • Humiliation may lead to addiction

Leaving sins is the life of hearts • It is better for yourself to disobey them

Disease and medicine | p. 147

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