The (old) SGI Seoul Guarantee app is integrated into the SGI M app and terminated. Search for 'SGI M' and use it.
For safe financial transactions and personal information protection, you can use business services after logging in with a joint certificate.
- Provision of business services suitable for insurance contract conclusion procedures
-View all insurance contracts I signed up for at once
-Information on insurance products that are suitable for me
- Easy insurance claim, fast compensation process and result inquiry
[Access Rights]
We will inform you about the access rights for using the service.
In the case of optional rights, you can use the service other than the corresponding function even if you do not allow it.
- Required Permissions
Storage space: Use of certificates and download of securities PDF, etc.
Phone: Mobile phone status check and identity authentication
- Optional authority
Camera: Take and submit documents
Access rights can be set in the settings of your mobile phone> App or application information> SGI Seoul Guarantee> Permissions menu.
If you have any inconveniences or inquiries while using mobile, please contact the customer center.
Customer center main phone: 1670-7000
Customer Center Hours: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 17:30
For safe financial transactions and personal information protection, you can use business services after logging in with a joint certificate.
- Provision of business services suitable for insurance contract conclusion procedures
-View all insurance contracts I signed up for at once
-Information on insurance products that are suitable for me
- Easy insurance claim, fast compensation process and result inquiry
[Access Rights]
We will inform you about the access rights for using the service.
In the case of optional rights, you can use the service other than the corresponding function even if you do not allow it.
- Required Permissions
Storage space: Use of certificates and download of securities PDF, etc.
Phone: Mobile phone status check and identity authentication
- Optional authority
Camera: Take and submit documents
Access rights can be set in the settings of your mobile phone> App or application information> SGI Seoul Guarantee> Permissions menu.
If you have any inconveniences or inquiries while using mobile, please contact the customer center.
Customer center main phone: 1670-7000
Customer Center Hours: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 17:30
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