SGI M(SGI서울보증) icon

SGI M(SGI서울보증)

100,000+ downloads

About SGI M(SGI서울보증)

You can conveniently use SGI Seoul Guarantee insurance contract related work through your smartphone.

For safe financial transactions and personal information protection, business services can be used after the first authentication.

* Main function - Convenient authentication through financial certificate and mobile phone identification
- Quick and easy login through Kakao and Naver
- Various electronic signature methods through financial certificates and Kakao/Naver certificates
- New sales of online-only direct products

If you have any inconvenience or inquiries while using the application, please contact the customer support center.

Customer support center phone number: 1670-7000
Customer Support Center Hours: Weekdays 09:00~18:00

SGI M(SGI서울보증) Screenshots

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