The JOM SIMPAN!! is designed to guide user to make a budget about their daily and monthly spending.Budgeting is the most basic and the most effective tool for managing our money.
Yet,most people avoid doing it because it is an additional work.What budgeting actually does is clearly show us how we allocate our money based on our financial limitations.
Hence,the Awareness in Spending mobile Application is developed in order to help user to manage their money in much easier ways because they just need to enter the amount of income and expenses in their daily life.As a result,there is no additional work to do because the application will calculate automatically and will show the summary of personal expenses of the user.
Yet,most people avoid doing it because it is an additional work.What budgeting actually does is clearly show us how we allocate our money based on our financial limitations.
Hence,the Awareness in Spending mobile Application is developed in order to help user to manage their money in much easier ways because they just need to enter the amount of income and expenses in their daily life.As a result,there is no additional work to do because the application will calculate automatically and will show the summary of personal expenses of the user.
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