We invite you to solve crosswords in a new style. Scrabby is a combination of Word Games: Scrabble and standard crosswords.
How to play?
There are over a dozen crosswords available in the game. Choose one of them. Then in the crossword view - select the password you want to guess. After selecting - a new window will appear in which you arrange the solution by moving the columns. After guessing the password - you will receive a sum of coins from each block. Coins are a very important part of the game. Thanks to them, you can buy hints.
After guessing all the passwords - you will receive a bonus of 200 coins and you will unlock another crossword puzzle.
Main features of the game:
- Crosswords in Polish for free
- a combination of the game Scrabble with crosswords
- aesthetic graphics
- dozens of puzzles to guess
How to play?
There are over a dozen crosswords available in the game. Choose one of them. Then in the crossword view - select the password you want to guess. After selecting - a new window will appear in which you arrange the solution by moving the columns. After guessing the password - you will receive a sum of coins from each block. Coins are a very important part of the game. Thanks to them, you can buy hints.
After guessing all the passwords - you will receive a bonus of 200 coins and you will unlock another crossword puzzle.
Main features of the game:
- Crosswords in Polish for free
- a combination of the game Scrabble with crosswords
- aesthetic graphics
- dozens of puzzles to guess
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