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Block Puzzle Merge 2048

Sport Game Online
500+ downloads

About Block Puzzle Merge 2048

Block Puzzle Merge 2048 is a number puzzle game fun and addictive puzzle game, mix of three classic puzzle games: Bubble shooting, Match-3 and Merge blocks number tiles.

Number merge and bubble shooting, all great mechanics are in this fantastic puzzle game.

The game shoot the tiles 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 ... to merge blocks become: 1024 , 2048 ...

✵ Touch screen to move cells. When two cells contain the same number of collisions, they will enter one.
✵ The cells continue to enter the same row or column on the table.
✵ Merge tiles with the same number

✵ Continue playing for a high score after reaching 2048
✵ The game is automatically saved
✵ Support for one undo move
✵ Beautiful and simple user interface
✵ Addictive and inventive game play
✵ Easy to learn, hard to master
✵ Minimalism graphics suitable for all ages
✵ Playing the game with your friends and family
✵ No time limit, play anywhere

Enjoy Block Puzzle Merge 2048 - brains games with your friends and do not forget to share with your family.

Block Puzzle Merge 2048 Screenshots