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Brick Drop Puzzle

Sport Game Online
1,000+ downloads

About Brick Drop Puzzle

It moves the jewel horizontally, filling the jewel into one or multiple line
, and eliminationg for high score.
Eliminate one line and score, if you eliminate multiple lines, you will get a high score.
If the player's jewel reaches the top, the game ends.

How to play brick drop game?
- Drag the blocks to move them left or right.
- Try to fit them all in the row. Game will be over if there are touch on top of the board.
- When filling a line, it will be eliminated and scored.
- Continuous elimination will get extra scores.
Feature of brick falling
- Stunning jewel graphics and effects.
- Addicted gameplay
- Totally FREE
- No need WIFI
- Suitable for all ages and genders
Brick Drop Puzzle will be a best choice for you.

Brick Drop Puzzle Screenshots