UniCalc - A one stop solution for your calculation needs!
UniCalc is a compact, lightweight, many in one calculator.
Designed with you in mind.
Calculate a wide variety of aspects such as area and volume of various figures, interest, convert quantities such as acceleration, temperature, currency, area, volume, mass and more.
Calculate volume and area, perform matrix, vector arithmetic
No more Googling up!
Perform calculations on a wide variety of aspects such as:
• Sensor data for Acceleration and Magnetic Field
• Area and volume calculator of figures like rectangle, circle, triangle, tetrahedron, ellipsoid, frustums of cone and pyramid, torus and much more!
• Currency converter (online/offline)
• Magnetometer (If supported by hardware)
• Tip calculator and tax calculator (Both inclusive/exclusive)
• Interest calculator (Both simple and compounded)
• Convert up to 11 quantities such as acceleration, angle, temperature, currency, magnetic strength, volume, mass, pressure, velocity, area and length
• Perform vector/matrix arithmetic operations like Inverse, determinant, unit vector, vector magnitude, scalar product, scalar projection, etc. using the vector calculator and matrix calculator.
Please report any unexpected functionality to the email mentioned below.
○UniCalc is for....
-And anyone who deals with a lot of numbers!
Why UniCalc?:
•Compact storage size: Under 5 MB
(Remember, UniCalc serves a testament to the concept of lightweight development).
Most other similar apps are atleast 10 MB
•Minimalistic, smooth, fresh, never-seen-before UI, Easy navigation due to enlarged text and widgets, unlike most other calculator apps that have messy and complex UIs
•UniCalc One, the premium version of UniCalc is available as a consumable privilege(possibly in the future. For now, it is a one time purchase).
•Quick navigation due to minimal use of dependencies
•Support for quantities like knot(velocity), acre, are, hectare(area), and SI, US and UK systems of measurement.
•Support for orientation changes and even dark mode
•UniCalc remembers whether you subscribed to One, even after uninstalling UniCalc, so you don't lose your purchase even after reinstalling, as long as the Google account used in the play store during purchase is logged in playstore.
DISCLAIMER: By installing UniCalc, you agree to hold the developers of UniCalc harmless, without liability, from damages arising due to errors in Calculations, application bugs and any results/output/use of UniCalc.
Developed In India
UniCalc is a compact, lightweight, many in one calculator.
Designed with you in mind.
Calculate a wide variety of aspects such as area and volume of various figures, interest, convert quantities such as acceleration, temperature, currency, area, volume, mass and more.
Calculate volume and area, perform matrix, vector arithmetic
No more Googling up!
Perform calculations on a wide variety of aspects such as:
• Sensor data for Acceleration and Magnetic Field
• Area and volume calculator of figures like rectangle, circle, triangle, tetrahedron, ellipsoid, frustums of cone and pyramid, torus and much more!
• Currency converter (online/offline)
• Magnetometer (If supported by hardware)
• Tip calculator and tax calculator (Both inclusive/exclusive)
• Interest calculator (Both simple and compounded)
• Convert up to 11 quantities such as acceleration, angle, temperature, currency, magnetic strength, volume, mass, pressure, velocity, area and length
• Perform vector/matrix arithmetic operations like Inverse, determinant, unit vector, vector magnitude, scalar product, scalar projection, etc. using the vector calculator and matrix calculator.
Please report any unexpected functionality to the email mentioned below.
○UniCalc is for....
-And anyone who deals with a lot of numbers!
Why UniCalc?:
•Compact storage size: Under 5 MB
(Remember, UniCalc serves a testament to the concept of lightweight development).
Most other similar apps are atleast 10 MB
•Minimalistic, smooth, fresh, never-seen-before UI, Easy navigation due to enlarged text and widgets, unlike most other calculator apps that have messy and complex UIs
•UniCalc One, the premium version of UniCalc is available as a consumable privilege(possibly in the future. For now, it is a one time purchase).
•Quick navigation due to minimal use of dependencies
•Support for quantities like knot(velocity), acre, are, hectare(area), and SI, US and UK systems of measurement.
•Support for orientation changes and even dark mode
•UniCalc remembers whether you subscribed to One, even after uninstalling UniCalc, so you don't lose your purchase even after reinstalling, as long as the Google account used in the play store during purchase is logged in playstore.
DISCLAIMER: By installing UniCalc, you agree to hold the developers of UniCalc harmless, without liability, from damages arising due to errors in Calculations, application bugs and any results/output/use of UniCalc.
Developed In India
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