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Matches Puzzle

Sanjay Mer
1,000+ downloads

About Matches Puzzle

We challenge you to show off your logical skills and solve the math equations in our new Puzzle Game With Sticks. It's a great entertaining app, and it's FREE, now on Google Play.

The game play is really simple. Just grab the correct stick and move it to the place where it matches, so you can solve the puzzle and unlock the next level and the many other cool features. Move and position the sticks so that the answer of the mathematical problem is correct. If you can't solve it, we simplified the game a little by adding some hints, so that solving these math match puzzles will be easy and you can go through all the many levels we've designed for you.

The app is also highly educational, as you need to do both math calculations and thinking logical, as you cannot finish the puzzles if you don't do a little bit of both.

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