Anime Wallpapers Haven - Anime icon

Anime Wallpapers Haven - Anime

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About Anime Wallpapers Haven - Anime

Are you looking for Anime wallpaper? you are in the right place :)

Anime Wallpapers Haven is a free application that has more than +5000 Anime Wallpaper ,its the best app for fans of japan animated series,manga and anime movies also . you can discover amazing anime wallpapers of your favorite anime or manga, Anime Wallpaper Haven has a lot of anime wallpapers and anime background from all popular animes
the largest collection with high quality Anime wallpapers and backgrounds on 7 Different Anime Series, we collected hundreds of beautiful , incredible and high-quality HD Anime wallpapers, every image on Anime Wallpaper Haven has been handpicked so only the best anime wallpapers make it to the app.and you can navigate between Categories with easy and Simple design . Search, Download and Set Anime Wallpaper, Enjoy yourself.
Anime Wallpaper Haven is the best app for anime fans or Otaku Wallpaper fans.the lovers of japan animated series,manga and movies can discover the most popular and exclusive as well as manga wallpapers of your favorite anime or manga.You're cool and your phone (or tablet) should reflect that!

Here are the app Categories:
Boku no Hero Academia
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Hunter x Hunter
One Piece
Dragon ball
Fairy Tail
Nanatsu no Taizai
Sword Art Online
Shingeki no Kyojin
Yakusoku no Neverland
Neon Genesis Evangelion
JoJo Bizarre Adventure
Death Note

Features :
- a large collection with high quality of Anime wallpapers.
- Very Simple and Beautiful design .
- You can Download any wallpapers you want.
- Set any anime wallpapers you want as a Home screen or Lock screen.

Images optimized for all the most popular resolution: 2160x3840, 1440x2560, 1080x1920, 720x1280, and other Android resolution. The app accurately determines and selects the Wallpapers for the screens of the devices.

DISCLAIMER: All logos, images and names are copyright of their respective owners, the images are used simply for aesthetic purposes. This is an unofficial application made by fans. There is no intention to violate copyright, and any request for removal of images will be honored.

Anime Wallpapers Haven - Anime Screenshots