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A Week With Slim Cricket

Slim Cricket
1,000+ downloads

About A Week With Slim Cricket

Discover the world of Slim Cricket through a series of mini-games: original games, classics or revisited, everybody will find what they like.

✪ Save candies
✪ Reform a puzzle with your own picture
✪ Replay a melody
✪ Collect fruits with the inclination of the Ipad
✪ Find pairs
✪ Identify «the odd one »
✪ And a surprise to unlock

All the senses of your child will be used: reflexes, memory, classification, listening, recognition, and dexterity.

After « The Witch With No Name » and « Victor is Cold » Slim Cricket offers a playful approach to discover the days of the week.

Share these moments with your child on your tablet or smartphone


✪ 6 Various Games in 3D
✪ A surprise to unlock
✪ 18 stars to win
✪ Available in French and English
✪ Unexpected use of the camera
✪ Wonderfully illustrated, with animated characters
✪ With original music

Discover our applications on: www.slimcricket.com

More informations on:
✪ Website : www.slimcricket.com
✪ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/SlimCricketBook
✪ Twitter : @SlimCricketBook

A Week With Slim Cricket Screenshots