Shiv Chalisa with Audio icon

Shiv Chalisa with Audio

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About Shiv Chalisa with Audio

Shiv Chalisa with Audio in Hindi, Shiv Aarti, Shiv Tandav Stotram.

Shiv Chalisa is a devotional Stotra dedicated to Hindu deity, Lord Shiva. Adapted from the Shiva Purana, it consists of 40 Chaupais and recited daily or on special festivals like Maha Shivaratri by Shivaites, and worshippers of Shiva.

Shiva Tandava Stotra is a Stotra that describes Shiva's power and beauty. It is traditionally attributed to Ravana, the asura King of Lanka and devotee of Shiva.

Salient Features:
Shiv Chalisa
Shiv Chalisa Audio
Shiv Chalisa with Audio
Shiv Aarti with Audio
Shiv Tandava Stotra with Audio

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