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The Poetess Prabha

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About The Poetess Prabha

Prabha Sharma is a Professor of English in Liberal Arts and Sciences at Seneca College in Toronto. She earned her degree at York University in Sociology and English. She is a passionate explorer of the human heart and strives to seek a synergistic balance of mind, body and soul.

Her professional portfolio includes research and work in areas of spirituality, sociology, humanity, psychology, children services, social work, special education, teaching, curriculum development, pedagogy, philosophy, love, passion, linguistics, ancient history and language acquisition.

Prabha was the youngest member to serve on The Child and Family Services Review Board of Ontario By Appointment, Lieutenant Governor in Council in the Province of Ontario from 1993 to 1997. She has taught over 200+ courses, seminars and workshops at Seneca College, York University and Humber College in Toronto and around the world.

She has travelled the world as a student of life and has embraced the beauty of many lands and cultures throughout her professional and personal life. She recently released her first collection of poetry—Glimpse Of My Soul.

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