● Auto Capture
- When you play a song, "Smiling" will automatically create.
- Supports Melon, Ginny, Naver Music, Bugs, Mnet, Soribada, and Musicmate.
- Select 'Auto Capture' from the left menu and follow the instructions.
- However, it can be used from terminal with lollipop.
● Auto Capture - NEW
- The YouTube app now supports automatic capture.
- It can also be used on a kitty terminal!
● Manual Merge
- Combines the selected images to "Smile".
- You can select how many images to combine in the settings. (Supports 1 to 4 chapters)
- It is possible to combine multiple images at once.
Ex) You can combine 10 images of 2 images at a time.
● Screen Saver
- Instead of the physical button, you can display a button on the screen that allows you to easily take a screenshot.
- Touch the button to take a screenshot.
- Select 'Sight Assistant' on the left menu and follow the instructions.
- You can hide the top bar and add date / time. (Can be changed in settings)
● Various settings
- You can automatically delete the original image after smoothing.
- You can automatically reduce the size of the smoothing unit by selecting the resize ratio.
- Use the Hide Top Bar option to mask obscured top bars.
- Various drawing settings such as date drawing, dividing line drawing are provided.
● How to make a smile (manual merge)
1. Select all the images you want to swim.
- The color will be automatically checked for the number of images specified in the setting.
2. When you are finished making your selections, click the Create button.
3. When the nick selection screen appears, select "Nick" to put in the zooming.
- Nick can be created in the 'Nick Management' tab.
4. End!
You can create a batch of SmauTs authentication shots at once using the above method.
- When you play a song, "Smiling" will automatically create.
- Supports Melon, Ginny, Naver Music, Bugs, Mnet, Soribada, and Musicmate.
- Select 'Auto Capture' from the left menu and follow the instructions.
- However, it can be used from terminal with lollipop.
● Auto Capture - NEW
- The YouTube app now supports automatic capture.
- It can also be used on a kitty terminal!
● Manual Merge
- Combines the selected images to "Smile".
- You can select how many images to combine in the settings. (Supports 1 to 4 chapters)
- It is possible to combine multiple images at once.
Ex) You can combine 10 images of 2 images at a time.
● Screen Saver
- Instead of the physical button, you can display a button on the screen that allows you to easily take a screenshot.
- Touch the button to take a screenshot.
- Select 'Sight Assistant' on the left menu and follow the instructions.
- You can hide the top bar and add date / time. (Can be changed in settings)
● Various settings
- You can automatically delete the original image after smoothing.
- You can automatically reduce the size of the smoothing unit by selecting the resize ratio.
- Use the Hide Top Bar option to mask obscured top bars.
- Various drawing settings such as date drawing, dividing line drawing are provided.
● How to make a smile (manual merge)
1. Select all the images you want to swim.
- The color will be automatically checked for the number of images specified in the setting.
2. When you are finished making your selections, click the Create button.
3. When the nick selection screen appears, select "Nick" to put in the zooming.
- Nick can be created in the 'Nick Management' tab.
4. End!
You can create a batch of SmauTs authentication shots at once using the above method.
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