Anagram is a word game in which you must find words by rearranging the letters of a different word.
Anagram offers you to find words in different categories :
- Most frequent words in English, French, Portuguese, Brazilian, German, Spanish and Italian
- Cities of the World
- Countries
- Animals
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- 100 most famous Football players
- 100 most famous Basketball players
- 100 most famous US Football players
- 100 most famous Tennis players
- USA Presidents
- USA States
- 300 major USA Cities
- 150 major Indian Cities
Try to find the maximum of words to be the king of Anagram and unlocking all the achievements. Reaching the top of the leaderboards (most points scored, most words found and most games played) will be also a big challenge.
A solver mode is also available to help you to find all the anagrams for entered letters.
Enjoy an Ad-Free experience with Anagram - Words Finder Pro :
Don't hesitate to give me your feedback or ideas to improve Anagram via email :
Anagram offers you to find words in different categories :
- Most frequent words in English, French, Portuguese, Brazilian, German, Spanish and Italian
- Cities of the World
- Countries
- Animals
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- 100 most famous Football players
- 100 most famous Basketball players
- 100 most famous US Football players
- 100 most famous Tennis players
- USA Presidents
- USA States
- 300 major USA Cities
- 150 major Indian Cities
Try to find the maximum of words to be the king of Anagram and unlocking all the achievements. Reaching the top of the leaderboards (most points scored, most words found and most games played) will be also a big challenge.
A solver mode is also available to help you to find all the anagrams for entered letters.
Enjoy an Ad-Free experience with Anagram - Words Finder Pro :
Don't hesitate to give me your feedback or ideas to improve Anagram via email :
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