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Novel Me And Them

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About Novel Me And Them

This story tells of four friends who made a friendship at the favorite Aliyah Negri in the city of Medan. They themselves are made up of a variety of different backgrounds ranging from children to respected people to ordinary children who are difficult. But it did not become a barrier for them to be friendly, it was not even a problem for them who was his friend. They always spend time together, but even though they are friends, they don't know each other enough in depth.
Friendship, which for the rest of the corn began to change to grow into a new shoot that was even stronger. But in order to achieve definite robustness, they must go through many bad things and inner conflicts from the path of destiny that the owner of fate has embroidered.
What is the story of their friendship? Will they remain friendly despite the many problems they face? Find the answers in this novel.

Author: Muthia Syafina
Instagram: muthia_syafina

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